女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 德国和白种美女玩SM的经历(9)


她:You are exactly as I want you to be, my little yellow pet.(你变成了我想要你变成的样子,我的黄种小宠物)
Your inferior yellow girls could never bring you this kind of intense twisted pleasure and satisfaction that I can, could they? (你们劣等亚裔的黄种女孩永远无法像我一样带给你如此强烈的变态快感和满足,不是幺?)
It's no wonder you're willing to do anything and everything to please me and experience that twisted pleasure, even degrading yourself and your race by using my dirty stocking to stroke yourself to orgasm. You don't even care,do you?(难怪你为了愿意做任何事来取悦和讨好我,只为了被我虐待来体验这种变态的快感,即使这种快感的来源是侮辱你的人格和你的种族,并让你用我的臭丝袜撸管到射精,你也不在乎,是幺?)) q5 a8 f7 H- I
And what a pathetic orgasm it is, filling up my stinky stocking to the brim like some kind of dirty condom. (看看,你这是多幺可悲的射精,射满了我的臭丝袜,看起来像个用过的脏避孕套。) nwxs9.cc
But I suppose that's all an inferior Asian man like you is only good for, isn't it? Just providing amusement and satisfaction to superior white beauty like me by degrading yourself.(但我猜这正是你这下等亚裔种族的男人唯一擅长做的,不是吗?通过糟蹋你自己,来娱乐和取悦我这样高贵的白种美人)
Now eat up your own filthy yellow seed like a proper yellow slut,then fuck off,have a good sleep and prepare for your $ K/ U' j w5 \ G) d& d
circumcision tomorrow.(现在像一个合格的黄种贱货一样吃干净你自己射出的恶心黄种精液,然后滚去睡个好觉,准备明天去做包皮手术)
And after that,I have some interesting plans for you,my yellow pet.Good night.(而在你包皮切除之后,我的黄种小宠物,我给你准备了一些有趣的计划。晚安。), h9 Q* c. v7 X- R0 x" B' G

结束,因为此时的第二天要做包皮手术,所以她并没有继续让我佩戴贞操锁。这天晚上,尽管我知道第二天要做包皮手术,应该尽早入睡,但是想起视频通话中她带给我的刺激,我就翻来覆去的睡不着,我不敢再去发消息打扰她,索性把手机拿出来,回放视频通话的录屏,自己又撸了3次。0 W$ n' t: U- i" S) i" I nwxs8.cc
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